Hey Guys,
Im working up a full Drow ranger set to complement a bow I designed and uploaded to steam workshop last week. Heres the bow design Im working with - this is open to crit, but for now im focusing on the rest of the items for design : ) Key design elements are the filigree pattern and slightly darker color palete.
Theres more images on steam workshop if you want to check it out:
Concepts - Have started off with some basic silhouettes and begun to work up some additional detail on some as ideas come to me. Very work-in-progress, but hopefully it gives you some idea... All items can be interchanged between designs if you prefer different combinations : )
I like the idea of drows face being partially obscured by her cloak, ranger/bedoin style. Ive also been looking at several concepts utilising an asymmetrical cloak design which seems like it would wrap over the quiver better.
Any thoughts/ideas would be much appreciated!